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Looking Back at the New Knowledge Bases of EFL Teacher Education




This article discusses the trend of reconceptualizing EFL teachers’ knowledge base to avoid the separation between theory and practice, which is in particular reflected on the establishment of some new EFL teachers’ knowledge domains. However, the horizontal categorizing approaches of teachers’ knowledge establish another gap between theory and practice and the hierarchical approach formulates so much abstract knowledge for teachers. The construct of knowledge of EFL classroom interaction is a pilot inquiry to create an interface between “theory knowledge” and “practice knowledge” from the teachers’ needs. In the end of the article, a rough knowledge framework is constructed for EFL classroom interaction on teachers’ needs.
机译:本文讨论了重新概念化EFL教师知识库以防止理论与实践分离的趋势,这尤其体现在建立一些新的EFL教师的知识领域上。然而,教师知识的水平分类方法在理论与实践之间建立了另一个鸿沟,而层次方法则为教师提供了太多抽象知识。 EFL课堂互动知识的构建是一项试探性探究,旨在根据教师的需求在“理论知识”和“实践知识”之间建立接口。在文章的最后,构建了一个粗略的知识框架,用于根据教师的需求进行EFL课堂互动。



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