首页> 外文期刊>Biology of Sex Differences >High-fat diet impairs spatial memory and hippocampal intrinsic excitability and sex-dependently alters circulating insulin and hippocampal insulin sensitivity

High-fat diet impairs spatial memory and hippocampal intrinsic excitability and sex-dependently alters circulating insulin and hippocampal insulin sensitivity




High-fat diets promoting obesity/type-2 diabetes can impair physiology and cognitive performance, although sex-dependent comparisons of these impairments are rarely made. Transient reductions in Ca2+-dependent afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs) occur during memory consolidation, enhancing intrinsic excitability of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. In rats fed standard diets, insulin can enhance memory and reduce amplitude and duration of AHPs. Effects of chronic high-fat diet (HFD) on memory, circulating insulin, and neuronal physiology were compared between young adult male and female Long-Evans rats. Rats fed for 12?weeks (from weaning) a HFD or a control diet (CD) were then tested in vivo prior to in vitro recordings from CA1 pyramidal neurons. The HFD significantly impaired spatial memory in both males and females. Significant sex differences occurred in circulating insulin and in the insulin sensitivity of hippocampal neurons. Circulating insulin significantly increased in HFD males but decreased in HFD females. While the HFD significantly reduced hippocampal intrinsic excitability in both sexes, CA1 neurons from HFD females remained insulin-sensitive but those from HFD males became insulin-insensitive. Findings consistent with these have been characterized previously in HFD or senescent males, but the effects observed here in young females are unique. Loss of CA1 neuronal excitability, and sex-dependent loss of insulin sensitivity, can have significant cognitive consequences, over both the short term and the life span. These findings highlight needs for more research into sex-dependent differences, relating systemic and neural plasticity mechanisms in metabolic disorders.
机译:促进肥胖/ 2型糖尿病的高脂饮食会损害生理和认知能力,尽管很少对这些障碍进行性别相关的比较。 Ca 2+依赖的超极化(AHP)的瞬时减少在记忆巩固过程中发生,从而增强了海马CA1锥体神经元的内在兴奋性。在喂食标准饮食的大鼠中,胰岛素可以增强记忆力并减少AHP的幅度和持续时间。比较了成年雄性和雌性Long-Evans大鼠的慢性高脂饮食(HFD)对记忆,循环胰岛素和神经元生理的影响。然后在从CA1锥体神经元进行体外记录之前,先对体内喂养12周(从断奶开始)的HFD或对照饮食(CD)的大鼠进行体内测试。 HFD显着损害男性和女性的空间记忆。循环胰岛素和海马神经元对胰岛素的敏感性存在明显的性别差异。男性的HFD循环胰岛素显着增加,而女性的HFD则下降。尽管HFD明显降低了男女的海马固有兴奋性,但来自HFD雌性的CA1神经元仍对胰岛素敏感,而来自HFD雄性的CA1神经元则对胰岛素不敏感。先前已在HFD或衰老的男性中表征了与这些结果相符的结果,但此处在年轻女性中观察到的影响是独特的。在短期和整个生命周期中,CA1神经元兴奋性的丧失以及与性别有关的胰岛素敏感性的丧失都可能产生重大的认知后果。这些发现凸显了对与性别相关的差异进行更多研究的需要,这些差异涉及代谢性疾病的全身和神经可塑性机制。



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