
In Exile and in Touch




Abstract Studying transnational behaviour, i.e. interactions between the sending and receiving countries of international migrants, is especially interesting for refugees given their migration motive and history. Due to the flight, resources are lost and returning to the home country is often not an option; both are factors that might limit transnational behaviour. The central aim of this study is to explain the patterns of transnational behaviour for refugee groups in relation to their integration process. For this we use a large scale dataset (N=3950) which contains information on Somali, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghani refugees in the Netherlands. Along the lines of the ‘resource dependent’ thesis the analyses show that individual capacities, such as employment and Dutch nationality, are of major importance in explaining transnational activities of refugees. Second, this paper shows that the economic and social situation in the origin country should be taken into account for understanding the differences in transnational activities among refugee groups.
机译:摘要鉴于移民的动机和历史,研究跨国行为,即国际移民的接收国与接收国之间的相互作用,对于难民来说尤其有趣。由于逃跑,资源流失了,返回原籍国通常是不可行的。两者都是可能限制跨国行为的因素。这项研究的主要目的是解释难民群体在融入过程中的跨国行为模式。为此,我们使用了一个大型数据集(N = 3950),其中包含有关荷兰的索马里,伊朗,伊拉克和阿富汗难民的信息。根据“依赖资源”的理论,分析表明,个人能力,例如就业和荷兰国籍,在解释难民的跨国活动方面具有重要意义。第二,本文表明,应考虑到原籍国的经济和社会状况,以了解难民群体之间跨国活动的差异。



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