首页> 外文期刊>College & Research Libraries >Mary Snyder Broussard. Reading, Research, and Writing: Teaching Information Literacy with Process-Based Research Assignments. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017. 140p. Paper, $40.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8875-6).

Mary Snyder Broussard. Reading, Research, and Writing: Teaching Information Literacy with Process-Based Research Assignments. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017. 140p. Paper, $40.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8875-6).

机译:玛丽·斯奈德·布鲁萨德(Mary Snyder Broussard)。阅读,研究和写作:通过基于过程的研究任务来教授信息素养。芝加哥:大学与研究图书馆协会,2017年。140p。纸,$ 40.00(ISBN 978-0-8389-8875-6)。



Any academic librarian involved in reference and instruction can point to many titles that examine information literacy. In the case of Mary Broussarda€?s Reading, Research, and Writing: Teaching Information Literacy with Process-Based Research Assignments, the reader will find a book that takes a more holistic view on the subject. In this case, that view also includes exploring how reading and the writing process are as important as and critically connected to the research process.
机译:参与参考和指导的任何大学图书馆员都可以指向许多检查信息素养的标题。以Mary Broussarda的《阅读,研究与写作:基于过程的研究任务教授信息素养》为例,读者会发现一本书,对这一主题有更全面的了解。在这种情况下,该观点还包括探索阅读和写作过程如何与研究过程同等重要并与研究过程至关重要。



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