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The great leveller: Political and figural ambiguities of equality




If we compare it with the?fellow notion of liberty, equality has an ambivalent place in modern political thinking. Whilst it counts as one of the fundamental norms, many think that equality is valuable only as a way to realise some features of liberty. I take a historical perspective on this issue, and try to identify some of the pre-modern roots of such an ambivalent attitude towards equality. I do this by using Jacques Rancière’s political model as an analytical framework and by taking a visual route, focusing on classical iconographic representations in which equality was present in the images’ subtexts. Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s allegory of good government is one iconic exposition of equality as a positive condition of civil peace. Already there, however, the positive value of equality is counterposed to the figure of violent retributive justice. Similarly, in the Christian narrative, equality is endorsed as the original condition of creatures under God, but is also associated with violent death. This signals one pre-modern root behind the ambivalence towards equality, particularly when the latter is understood dynamically, as levelling. Such a reversal of value finds an apotheosis, I suggest, in the revolutionary icon of the guillotine, a dramatic representation of equalisation that had a strong influence on modern political thinking. In J. E. Millais’ first painting, of Jesus in the House of his Parents , I find a more positive legacy of Christian equality in modern political thinking.
机译:如果将其与“自由”的同等观念相比较,平等在现代政治思想中就具有矛盾之处。尽管它被视为基本规范之一,但许多人认为平等仅作为实现自由某些特征的方式才有价值。我从历史的角度对这个问题进行探讨,并试图找出这种对平等的矛盾态度的一些前现代根源。通过使用雅克·兰西埃(JacquesRancière)的政治模型作为分析框架,并采取可视化路线,重点研究经典的图像表示形式,其中图像的亚文本中存在平等性。安布罗吉奥·洛伦泽蒂(Ambrogio Lorenzetti)关于善政的寓言是将平等作为公民和平的积极条件的标志性论述。但是,已经有平等的积极价值与暴力报应性正义相抵触。同样,在基督教的叙述中,平等被认可为上帝之下生物的原始条件,但同时也伴随着暴力死亡。这标志着对平等的矛盾背后的一个前现代根源,特别是当后者被动态地理解为平等时。我建议,这种价值的逆转在断头台的革命偶像中发现了神化,这是戏剧性的均势代表,对现代政治思想产生了重大影响。在米勒斯(J. E. Millais)的第一幅《耶稣在他父母的房子》中的绘画中,我发现基督教平等在现代政治思想中具有更积极的遗产。



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