首页> 外文期刊>Cogent Arts & Humanities >The Architectures of Translation: A magic carpet-ride through space and time (or, the awkward story of how we dis/placed Krisztina Tóth’s short fiction from Hungarian to English)

The Architectures of Translation: A magic carpet-ride through space and time (or, the awkward story of how we dis/placed Krisztina Tóth’s short fiction from Hungarian to English)




This interdisciplinary paper unfolds an account of a collaborative translation project, which draws on Ellen Eve Frank’s concept of “literary architecture” to propose a process of “architectural translation”. Our proposal is illustrated by a detailed account of our experiences translating the short fiction of contemporary Hungarian writer, Krisztina Tóth (b. 1967) into English. Staged as a journey through space, time and text, our enquiry frames the process in Barbara Godard’s terms as one of dis/placement, finding resonances with Rosi Braidotti’s nomadic subject and practices of feminist mimesis. Situating Tóth’s fiction in a European feminist literary heritage, we deploy a range of concepts drawn from translation, architecture, literary criticism and feminist philosophy to synthesise a translation strategy which engages the spatial, not only as a metaphor but a methodology for our project. In this account, we propose an architectural methodology as a tool for radical translators, and offer the process of translation as a way of thinking about internal and external spaces in postcolonial contexts.
机译:这篇跨学科的论文介绍了一个合作翻译项目,该项目借鉴了埃伦·夏娃·弗兰克(Ellen Eve Frank)的“文学建筑”概念来提出“建筑翻译”过程。通过详细描述我们将当代匈牙利作家克里斯蒂娜·托斯(KrisztinaTóth,生于1967年)的短篇小说翻译成英语的经验,可以说明我们的建议。我们的探询是穿越时空,文字和文字的旅程,它以芭芭拉·戈达德(Barbara Godard)的话作为流放/安置的过程来构筑过程,并与罗西·布瑞多蒂(Rosi Braidotti)的游牧主题和女权主义模仿活动共鸣。托斯的小说以欧洲女性主义文学遗产为背景,我们运用了一系列从翻译,建筑,文学批评和女权主义哲学中汲取的概念,以合成一种翻译策略,该策略不仅涉及空间,而且还涉及我们项目的方法论。因此,我们提出一种体系结构方法论作为激进翻译的工具,并提供翻译过程,作为思考后殖民语境中内部和外部空间的一种方式。



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