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Skills development, habits of mind, and the spiral curriculum: A dialectical approach to undergraduate general education curriculum mapping




This essay seeks to contribute to growing discussion concerning the need for more intentional inclusion of habits of mind in curriculum development, particularly in undergraduate general education, and to fuel an examination of the “dialectical” relationship between skills development and the development of habits of mind. The essay begins by generating a tentative curriculum map for the development of a set of habits of mind. It then provides an overview of the theoretical framework of dialectical analysis, which is used to identify points of synergy between skills development and the development of habits of mind. This essay hopes to enrich and expand the ways we think about undergraduate general education and spiral curriculum design, with the ultimate goal of illuminating the role of undergraduate pedagogy in shaping the academic habits of mind and professional character that we wish our students to develop. Toward that end, this essay encourages us to recognize that our students don’t magically transform from one state to another but instead undergo a gradual stepwise evolution, and to commit ourselves to better understanding precisely how that evolution occurs by examining the dialectical relationship between skills development and the development of habits of mind within our courses and curricula.
机译:本文旨在就有关在课程开发中,特别是在本科通识教育中,尤其是在本科生发展中更多地有意识地包含心智习惯的需求的讨论,做出积极贡献,并推动对技能发展与心智习惯发展之间的“辩证”关系进行考察。 。本文首先生成了一套初步的课程图,以发展一套思维习惯。然后,它概述了辩证法分析的理论框架,该框架用于确定技能发展与思维习惯发展之间的协同作用。本文希望丰富和扩展我们对本科通识教育和螺旋课程设计的思考方式,其最终目的是阐明本科教育在塑造我们希望学生养成的学术思维习惯和专业品格中的作用。为此,本文鼓励我们认识到,我们的学生并不是从一种状态神奇地转变为另一种状态,而是经历了逐步的逐步发展,并致力于通过研究技能之间的辩证关系来更好地准确地理解这种发展是如何发生的在我们的课程和课程中发展和养成思维习惯。



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