首页> 外文期刊>Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports >Design And Construction Problems Connected With Ensuring Even Thermal Insulation Of Single-Layer Walls

Design And Construction Problems Connected With Ensuring Even Thermal Insulation Of Single-Layer Walls




The design of single-layer walls appears to be extremely simple. In the opinion of many designers, the additional insulation of tie beams and balconies continues to solve all problems. However, tests on single-layer walls show that the expressed opinion is not valid. The study quotes the results of tests on single-layer walls with strong signs of freezing. The conducted analysis of the design solution and calculation of the fRsi temperature factor on the internal surface and its comparison with fRsi determined empirically enabled reasons behind failure in the construction of the tested walls to be identified. The study presents problems connected with ensuring uniformity of the temperature field in walls, possibilities for detecting areas susceptible to the development of mold, and protection of partitions from the occurrence of this phenomenon by performing appropriate repair works preceding necessary renovations of the building which takes place after the occurrence of mold on walls and ceilings.



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