This descriptive-exploratory study using a qualitative approach was undertaken to describe the perceptions of pregnant adolescents in relation to social support provided'/> Social support to pregnant adolescents: clarifying perceptions
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Social support to pregnant adolescents: clarifying perceptions




> size="2" face="Verdana">This descriptive-exploratory study using a qualitative approach was undertaken to describe the perceptions of pregnant adolescents in relation to social support provided during pregnancy. Twelve adolescents in their first pregnancy who frequented the outpatient health service in Passo Fundo in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) participated in the study. The data was obtained by semi-structured interviews, genograms and ecomaps and was assessed by thematic analysis. It highlighted the need for support to overcome the fears and challenges of motherhood. The mothers and partners were perceived as the main sources of support in affective and material terms. Common sense knowledge prevailed in the information dimension and pregnancy as a mediator in the reconciliation with the father fulfilled the emotional dimension. The perception of the dimension of positive social interaction was blurred by self-imposed isolation. Thus the adolescent's perception of the social support received is clear in relation to the family nucleus and includes the people in the family circle. The network of care outside the family, including the healthcare services, is tenuous and generated the perception of psychosocial difficulties. This reveals the need for greater investment of primary healthcare professionals in the inclusion of first-time-pregnancy adolescents in social care groups, which ensure the healthy progress of the pregnancy.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana”>使用定性方法进行的这项描述性探索性研究旨在描述怀孕少女对怀孕期间提供的社会支持的看法。初次怀孕的十二名青少年曾在南里奥格兰德州(巴西)的Passo Fundo参加门诊医疗服务,参加了该研究。数据是通过半结构化访谈,基因图谱和生态图获得的,并通过主题分析进行了评估。它着重指出需要支持以克服对母亲的恐惧和挑战。在情感和物质方面,母亲和伴侣被视为支持的主要来源。常识常盛行于信息方面,而怀孕则是与父亲和解的调解者,从而满足了情感方面的要求。自我强加的孤立使人们对积极的社会互动的维度的认识模糊。因此,就家庭核心而言,青少年对所接受社会支持的理解是明确的,并且包括家庭圈子中的人们。家庭以外的医疗网络(包括医疗服务)是脆弱的,并产生了社会心理上的困难感。这表明,需要将初级保健专业人员进行更多的投资,以将首次怀孕的青少年纳入社会保健团体,以确保怀孕的健康进展。



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