This study seeks to identify and reflect on medical strategies used to ensure the systematic use of condoms for the effectiveness of AIDS preve'/> The invisibility of serodiscordance in care for people with HIV/AIDS
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >The invisibility of serodiscordance in care for people with HIV/AIDS

The invisibility of serodiscordance in care for people with HIV/AIDS




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">This study seeks to identify and reflect on medical strategies used to ensure the systematic use of condoms for the effectiveness of AIDS prevention, in particular, when patients are involved in serodiscordant marital relationship in that only one of the partners is HIV positive. As analytical tools we used the concepts of thinking styles of epistemology (Fleck), the training process (Good), and therapeutics (Sayd, Camargo Jr. and Almeida). Among the findings of the research stood out an invisibility of the serodiscordant couples, for what turns out to be really important is adherence to treatment, which coincides with adherence to medication (ART).
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>本研究旨在确定和反思用于确保系统使用避孕套以有效预防艾滋病的医学策略。特别是,当患者参与血清恶性婚姻关系时,只有一名伴侣是HIV阳性。作为分析工具,我们使用了认识论(Fleck),训练过程(Good)和治疗方法(Sayd,Camargo Jr.和Almeida)的思维方式的概念。在这项研究的发现中,血脂异常夫妇是看不见的,因为真正重要的是坚持治疗,这与坚持服药(ART)相吻合。



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