Brazilian Preventive Healthcare Policy has implemented important strategies to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS. However, there are some individu'/> What happens behind bars: prevention strategies developed in civilian police stations against HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >What happens behind bars: prevention strategies developed in civilian police stations against HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases

What happens behind bars: prevention strategies developed in civilian police stations against HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> Brazilian Preventive Healthcare Policy has implemented important strategies to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS. However, there are some individuals that are theoretically not part of society who are catching and transmitting disease, namely prisoners. This population interacts with the community by means of relatives, visitors, prison wardens and repeat incarceration. The scope of this research is to establish the strategies developed to prevent the transmission and dissemination of STD/AIDS in Civil Police stations. A qualitative study was conducted with interns of the public prisons of four cities of the region of Naviraí in Mato Grosso do Sul State, and analysis was applied using the collective subject discourse technique. Results showed that despite acknowledging the importance of prevention, the male condom is only used in the first sexual encounter, and condoms are not used when intercourse is with a steady partner. The lack of orientation in relation to prevention of STD/AIDS is well-known as is the lack of attention to the healthcare of prisoners, due mainly to prejudice and discrimination by society. It was revealed that a healthcare policy for prisoners also needs to be implemented in public prisons.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>巴西的预防保健政策已经实施了重要的战略来对抗艾滋病毒/艾滋病的传播。但是,有些人在理论上不属于社会,他们正在传染并传播疾病,即囚犯。这些人通过亲戚,访客,监狱看守和重复监禁与社区互动。这项研究的范围是确定为防止性病/艾滋病在民警派出所的传播和传播而制定的策略。对南马托格罗索州纳维拉伊地区四个城市的公共监狱的实习生进行了定性研究,并使用集体主题话语技术进行了分析。结果表明,尽管认识到预防的重要性,但男性安全套仅用于第一次性接触,与性伴侣保持稳定时不使用安全套。众所周知,缺乏预防性病/艾滋病的倾向以及对囚犯医疗保健缺乏重视是众所周知的,这主要是由于社会的偏见和歧视。据透露,还需要在公共监狱中实施针对囚犯的医疗保健政策。



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