The psychiatric reform in Brazil articulates several dimensions - conceptual, technical, administrative, legislative and cultural. It is aimed at overcoming the psychiat'/> Psychiatric reform and social participation: a case study
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Psychiatric reform and social participation: a case study




> size="2" face="Verdana">The psychiatric reform in Brazil articulates several dimensions - conceptual, technical, administrative, legislative and cultural. It is aimed at overcoming the psychiatric paradigm based on isolation and exclusion of the mentally ill. The Reform makes part of the Brazilian Health System and presupposes a hierarchical system, municipality, participation and social control. Besides the advances made in the administrative dimension, in the state of Mato Grosso the reform takes place in centralized management contexts, revealing an apparent contradiction. Aim: Analyzing the participative processes in the construction of the psychiatric reform in Cuiabá and in the state of Mato Grosso by means of analyses of documents of the Health Councils and Conferences held over the period 2000 to 2005. The fragility of the political processes of the Health Councils hampers their constitution as environments for articulating new practices. The process of changes toward the psychiatric reform is in accordance with a new management, determined by new financing models - reduction of hospitalizations and not hospital-centered care. This is possible because it is not a result of criticisms to the asylum logic represented in the analyzed dimensions of the Brazilian Health System.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana”>巴西的精神病学改革涉及多个方面-概念,技术,行政,立法和文化。它旨在克服基于孤立和排除精神病患者的精神病学范式。该改革是巴西卫生系统的一部分,并以等级制度,市政,参与和社会控制为前提。除了行政方面的进步外,在马托格罗索州,改革是在集中管理的背景下进行的,这显示出明显的矛盾。目的:通过分析2000年至2005年期间举行的卫生理事会和大会的文件,分析Cuiabá和马托格罗索州的精神病学改革的参与过程。卫生理事会将其宪法作为阐明新做法的环境而受到阻碍。精神病学改革的过程是根据新的筹资模式确定的新管理方式-减少住院而不是以医院为中心的护理。之所以可能这样做,是因为它不是对巴西卫生系统所分析的庇护逻辑提出批评的结果。



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