We summarize research on mechanisms through which environmental agents may affect the pathogenesis of lupus, discuss three exposures that '/> Recent advances and opportunities in research on lupus: environmental influences and mechanisms of disease
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Recent advances and opportunities in research on lupus: environmental influences and mechanisms of disease

Recent advances and opportunities in research on lupus: environmental influences and mechanisms of disease




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">We summarize research on mechanisms through which environmental agents may affect the pathogenesis of lupus, discuss three exposures that have been the focus of research in this area, and propose recommendations for new research initiatives. We examined studies pertaining to key mechanistic events and specific exposures. Apoptosis leading to increased production or decreased clearance of immunogenic intracellular self-antigens and defective apoptosis of autoreactive immune cells both have been implicated in the loss of self-tolerance. The adjuvant or bystander effect is also needed to produce a sustained autoimmune response. Activation of toll-like receptors is one mechanism through which these effects may occur. Abnormal DNA methylation may contribute to the pathogenesis of lupus. Each of the specific exposures has been shown, in humans or in mice, to act upon one or more of these pathogenic steps. Specific recommendations for the continued advancement of our understanding of environmental influences on lupus and other autoimmune diseases include the development and use of mouse models with varying degrees of penetrance and manifestations of disease, identification of molecular or physiologic targets of specific exposures, development and use of improved exposure assessment methodologies, and multisite collaborations designed to examine understudied environmental exposures in humans. 
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>我们总结了有关环境因素可能影响狼疮发病机理的研究,并讨论了三种已成为研究重点的因素在这一领域,并为新的研究计划提出建议。我们检查了与关键机械事件和特定暴露有关的研究。凋亡导致免疫原性细胞内自身抗原的产生增加或清除减少以及自身反应性免疫细胞的凋亡不足均与自我耐受性的丧失有关。产生持续的自身免疫反应也需要佐剂或旁观者效应。 Toll样受体的激活是一种机制,通过这种机制可能发生这些效应。 DNA甲基化异常可能有助于狼疮的发病机理。已显示在人或小鼠中每种特定的暴露都可对这些病原步骤中的一个或多个起作用。为继续增进我们对狼疮和其他自身免疫性疾病的环境影响的理解的具体建议包括开发和使用具有不同渗透率和疾病表现的小鼠模型,鉴定特定暴露的分子或生理学靶标,开发和使用改进了暴露评估方法,并设计了多站点协作来检查人体中未被充分研究的环境暴露。



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