The present study aimed to find out what are the leisure activities for elder men in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, as there is a low particip'/> Male environments of third age
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Male environments of third age




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">The present study aimed to find out what are the leisure activities for elder men in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, as there is a low participation of men in the third age groups in the city. Then, an ethnographic qualitative research was developed following a daily script of comments that encloses infrastructure of the places; activities and objects available to the individuals, functioning hours as well as behaviors, by checking the most frequent visited places this age group frequents. Thus it could be perceived that some actions frequently practiced were bocce, snooker and card games. Another evident situation was the familiar relation of the individuals with the places and the low presence of women. There is a concern about the inclusion of women on daily basis, as many men avoid some places due to lack of options that include their wives. In order to attend this demand there are dinners and dance balls. Some possible reasons for the low participation of the men in the groups observed in this study include: activities that are not of their interest; the classes are considered repetitive and not stimulant; and, the thought that while they can have a good performance in doing the activities they enjoy the most, there is no need to practice more physical exercises.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>本研究旨在找出南里奥格兰德州圣玛丽亚的老年人休闲活动是什么城市中第三年龄段的男性参与率较低。然后,根据每天的评论文字进行了人种学定性研究,其中包含了场所的基础设施。通过检查该年龄段最常去的人经常访问的地方,为个人提供可用的活动和对象,工作时间和行为。因此,可以感觉到一些经常练习的动作是足球,斯诺克和纸牌游戏。另一个明显的情况是个人与地方之间的熟悉关系以及妇女人数很少。人们担心每天都有妇女加入,因为许多男人由于缺乏包括妻子在内的选择而避开了一些地方。为了满足这一需求,有晚餐和舞会。该研究中观察到的男性参与度低的一些可能原因包括:与他们无关的活动;这些课程被认为是重复的而不是刺激性的;并且认为,尽管他们可以在自己最喜欢的活动中表现良好,但无需进行更多的体育锻炼。



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