The objective of his article is to contribute to the evaluation of the initiatives aimed at the creation of intersectorial arrangements in the '/> Evaluation of initiatives and intersectorial programs in health: challenges and learning
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Evaluation of initiatives and intersectorial programs in health: challenges and learning

Evaluation of initiatives and intersectorial programs in health: challenges and learning




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">The objective of his article is to contribute to the evaluation of the initiatives aimed at the creation of intersectorial arrangements in the scope of public health policies and social protection. The focus is on the Integrated and Sustainable Local Development of Manguinhos (DLIS-Manguinhos) - a territory and community based proposal associated to bottom up cooperation and negotiation strategies - and the experience of establishing the conditioned cash transference federal program called Bolsa Família (Family Grant Program - PBF). In this perspective, the aspects related to social mobilization networks, profile of the players involved, types of incentive and levels of institutional integration are treated as crucial elements in the analysis of the programs and initiatives that articulate intersectorial proposals. It is concluded that the interface and dialog among research, evaluation and follow up of decision processes constitute the central axes for better social and institutional learning in the area.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>他的文章的目的是为评估旨在建立公众范围内的跨部门安排的举措做出贡献卫生政策和社会保护。重点是Manguinhos(DLIS-Manguinhos)的综合和可持续地方发展(DLIS-Manguinhos),这是一项与自下而上的合作和谈判策略相关的基于领土和社区的提案,以及建立有条件的现金转移联邦计划的经验,该计划称为BolsaFamília程序-PBF)。从这个角度来看,与社会动员网络,参与人员的概况,激励类型和制度整合水平有关的方面被视为分析阐明跨部门提议的方案和倡议的关键要素。结论是,研究,评估和决策过程跟进之间的接口和对话构成了该地区更好的社会和制度学习的中心轴。



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