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Changes in Children's Answers to Open Questions about the Earth and Gravity




Many studies that have been conducted to describe children's knowledge about the Earth and gravity have produced discrepant results. However, as most of these studies have been cross-sectional and they have used different methods for collecting and analyzing data, the question Do children at some point construct internally consistent but incorrect explanations to elementary astronomical phenomena? has not been fully answered. The aim of the study was to further explore this question by examining how children respond to open questions about the Earth and gravity and how these answers change over time. Schoolchildren's (N=159) answers were examined four times with one-year intervals. It was found that directly after learning the topics in school many children gave synthetic responses and some oscillated between correct and incorrect explanations for a time. By the fourth grade more than half of the children were able to give scientifically accurate answers and good knowledge of facts supported children's ability to correctly generalize their existing knowledge. It was also shown that most children do not construct consistent nonscientific models of the Earth and that only thorough understanding of the discussed phenomena will lead to consistent answering.
机译:描述儿童关于地球和重力的知识的许多研究已经产生了不同的结果。但是,由于这些研究大多数都是横断面的,并且它们使用了不同的方法来收集和分析数据,因此,问题是儿童在某个时候是否对基本的天文现象构造出内部一致但不正确的解释?尚未完全回答。该研究的目的是通过检查儿童如何回答有关地球和重力的公开问题以及这些答案随着时间的变化而进一步探讨该问题。对小学生(N = 159)的答案进行了四次检查,每隔一年。结果发现,直接在学校学习了主题之后,许多孩子就做出了综合反应,并且有一段时间在正确和不正确的解释之间摇摆不定。到四年级时,一半以上的孩子能够给出科学准确的答案,并且对事实的充分了解支持了孩子正确地概括其现有知识的能力。研究还表明,大多数儿童不会建立一致的地球非科学模型,只有对所讨论现象的透彻理解才能得出一致的答案。



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