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Psychosocial Development and First Substance Use in Third and Fourth Grade Students: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study




Third and fourth grade students (n=509) completed measures of psychosocial development, substance use, and intentions to use in January, and again in May, 1998. A revised Erikson Psychosocial Inventory Scale (EPSI) was employed to assess psychosocial development while estimates of substance use and intentions were obtained from anonymous self-reports. The sample was split on the basis of change in substance use and intentions from January to May. Using this grouping scheme as an independent variable, scores on the EPSI subscales (trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, and identity) were compared over time. Interestingly, no differences in psychosocial development were evident for the initial substance use comparisons, but differences were evident five months later. Respondents who initiated substance use and/or increased intentions during the five-month interval exhibited small gains (averaging less than 2.0%) on measures of trust, autonomy, and initiative and modest declines in industry and identity (−1.2%). Respondents who neither initiated substance use nor increased intentions during the five-month interval experienced significant gains (averaging 6.0%) on all five of the EPSI subscales. These findings suggest that early substance use may impede psychosocial development, thus justifying prevention efforts in the earlier grades as well as efforts to delay onset.
机译:三年级和四年级学生(n = 509)分别于1998年1月和1998年5月完成了心理社会发展,物质使用和使用意图的测量。修订后的Erikson心理社会问卷量表(EPSI)用于评估心理社会发展,同时进行估计。从匿名自我报告中获得物质使用和意图的信息。根据1月至5月物质使用和意向的变化对样本进行了划分。使用该分组方案作为自变量,随时间比较EPSI子量表的得分(信任,自主权,主动性,行业和身份)。有趣的是,对于最初的药物使用比较,心理社会发展没有明显差异,但五个月后差异明显。在五个月的时间间隔内开始使用毒品和/或增加意图的受访者在信任,自主性以及行业和身份的主动和适度下降(-1.2%)方面表现出小幅增长(平均不到2.0%)。在五个月的时间间隔内,既未开始使用药物也未增加意图的受访者在所有五个EPSI分量表中均获得了显着的收益(平均6.0%)。这些发现表明,早期使用药物可能会阻碍社会心理的发展,从而证明在较早阶段预防工作以及延缓发病的努力是合理的。



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