首页> 外文期刊>Central European Forestry Journal >Inovovany prístup k tvorbe kategórií drvi?ov ne?iaducich nárastov / Innovative approach to creating categories of forestry mulchers

Inovovany prístup k tvorbe kategórií drvi?ov ne?iaducich nárastov / Innovative approach to creating categories of forestry mulchers




This paper highlights innovative opportunities for the development of forestry machines categorisation. Nowadays, the market offers different types of forestry machines available from many manufacturers, and ordinary customers as well as the professional community have a problem to orientate themselves in a great number of products. The aim of this paper was to develop a categorisation scheme for forestry machines - mulchers to enhance the understanding and communication between vendors and potential users of these products. The proposed categorisation system takes means of propulsion into account, and is based on the following parameters: engine performance, weight, grinding diameter and flow rating. The resulting categorisation represents a pattern for the development of mechanism construction sets that takes into account the customers` requirements.



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