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O BIBLIOTECáRIO NA SOCIEDADE DA INFORMA??O: novas habilidades requeridas




The organizations, for its survival in the current competitive world, need professional librarians with other abilities that not only the techniques developed basically in the graduation courses.These other abilities more are demanded in organizations not classified as libraries and centers of documentation. The aiming of this research is to show the necessity of the market, with the requirements of the modern society, evidencing the profile of the professional of the indispensable information to compete in a rivalry environment. The acquisition this abilities,propitiates that more sectors of the economy can be explored by the librarians, representing the magnifying of its market of work. Analyzing the data, we glimpse the profile of the information professional desired for a banking institution, where the demand for techniques of the library science. We also conclude that the organizations need agility to face changes and that the success professionals will be those that more easily are adaptem to these standards of performance.



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