首页> 外文期刊>Biblionline >BIBLIOTECA BRAILLE: o seu uso no contexto do Instituto dos Cegos da Paraíba “Adalgisa Cunha”

BIBLIOTECA BRAILLE: o seu uso no contexto do Instituto dos Cegos da Paraíba “Adalgisa Cunha”

机译:BRAILLE图书馆:它在Cegos daParaíba研究所“ Adalgisa Cunha”的背景下使用



Analyzes the use of the Marizete Rodrigues Library by the blind user. It consists of a study with a group of 20 users. For the research we used a questionnaire transcribed in Braille and composed of three parts: the user’s profile, use of the library and the user’s satisfaction. The data analyzes points out the user’s satisfaction with relation to the use of the library and its services, the sources of information and the human resources. We observed the importance of this type of library for the visual deficients, above all in what it refers to the use of the information in the Braille system, the users feels in the sense of the physical space, the services and the collection and that the user’s satisfaction in relation to the same ones is significant to the library. We also observed that the library assumes an important paper in the user’s life.
机译:分析盲用户对Marizete Rodrigues库的使用。它由一个包含20个用户的研究组成。在研究中,我们使用了以盲文记录的问卷,该问卷由三部分组成:用户个人资料,图书馆的使用情况和用户满意度。数据分析指出用户对图书馆及其服务的使用,信息来源和人力资源的满意度。我们观察到这种类型的库对于视觉缺陷的重要性,尤其是在盲文系统中,它指的是信息的使用,用户在物理空间,服务和馆藏的意义上感觉到,用户对同一个数据库的满意度对图书馆来说很重要。我们还发现,图书馆在用户的生活中扮演着重要角色。



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