首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Color and Texture Information Processing toImprove Storage Beans

Color and Texture Information Processing toImprove Storage Beans




Aims: This paper attempts to improve automatic temporal change detection on a pair of beans images, acquired before and after storage under high temperature (≥ 25°C) and high relative humidity (≥ 65%), conditions that promote ? Hard-To-Cook ? phenomenon.Study Design: Image processing, Hard-To-Cook beans.Place and Duration of Study: Laboratory of Modelisation, Image Processing and Applications Research (MOTRIMA) Department of Electrical Engineering Energetic and Automatics, Laboratory of Biophysics and Food Biochemistry Department of Food Science and Nutrition of National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon), Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) between August 2009 and March 2010.Methodology: We want to get a robust extracting seed in acquired images and a good dissimilarity parameter for temporal change detection on a pair of textured images. To reach this goal, we analyze the characterization of textural properties and space color which are more relevant to textured beans seeds. We use wavelet transform and apply fuzzy logic segmentation. We define a confidence limit for the dissimilarity parameter before analyzing its evolution during storage of beans seeds. Finally we correlate this parameter with another Hard-To-Cook indicator.Results: After many tests, Daubechies 2(db2) wavelet family in RGB space allowed best extracting beans seeds in scene with fuzzy-c-means segmentation. The global intensity variation was a pertinent parameter for dissimilarity detection between two images. We obtained highly correlation between this parameter and cooking times beans (-0.96; -0.88; -0.72 respectively in Red, Green and Blue color space).Conclusion: The global intensity variation in red color space allowed the determination level of browning beans seeds as indicator of their Hard-To-Cook degree.
机译:目的:本文试图改善在高温(≥25°C)和高相对湿度(≥65%)下存储前后获取的一对豆图像的自动时间变化检测,这些条件可以促进?难以烹饪?研究设计:图像处理,难以煮熟的豆子研究地点和持续时间:建模实验室,图像处理和应用研究(MOTRIMA)电机工程学系能源与自动化系,生物物理与食品实验室,生物化学食品部2009年8月至2010年3月,国家农业工业科学学院(喀麦隆恩加恩德雷大学),农业发展研究所(IRAD)的科学与营养方法。良好的相异性参数,用于在一对纹理图像上进行时间变化检测。为了实现此目标,我们分析了与纹理豆种子更相关的纹理特性和空间颜色的表征。我们使用小波变换并应用模糊逻辑分割。在分析豆类种子在存储过程中的演化之前,我们为相异性参数定义一个置信极限。最后,我们将此参数与另一个“难以烹饪”指标相关联。结果:经过多次测试,RGB空间中的Daubechies 2(db2)小波族可以通过模糊c均值分割在场景中最佳地提取豆类种子。全局强度变化是两个图像之间不相似检测的相关参数。我们获得了该参数与蒸煮时间豆之间的高度相关性(红色,绿色和蓝色空间中分别为-0.96; -0.88; -0.72)。结论:红色空间中的全局强度变化允许将褐变豆种子的测定水平确定为难以烹饪程度的指标。



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