首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Potential Weed Species as Alternate Hosts ofInsect Vectors of the Lethal Yellowing Disease(LYD) of Coconut Palms (Cocos nucifera L.) inNigeria

Potential Weed Species as Alternate Hosts ofInsect Vectors of the Lethal Yellowing Disease(LYD) of Coconut Palms (Cocos nucifera L.) inNigeria

机译:潜在的杂草物种作为尼日利亚椰棕(Cocos nucifera L.)致死性黄化病(LYD)昆虫载体的替代宿主



Weed species examined as alternate hosts implicated Panicum maximum Jacq as the most abundant host of vector insects of the lethal yellowing disease (LYD) of coconut palms. Ten weed species out of the 19 examined hosted leaf hoppers Cicadellidae and plant hoppers Flugoroidea. They were found in inner leaf sheaths and leaflets. The weed species in coconut LYD areas recorded abundance of Cicadellidae and Flugoroidea species with Panicum maximum 32.7%, Andropogon gayanus 23.6%, Sorghum arundinaceum 13.4%, Cyperus difformis 12.4% and Oryza barthii 11.2%. Weed species in coconut non-LYD areas recorded relatively low abundance with P. maximum 9.1%, A. gayanus 8.4%, Leptochloa filiforms 6.8%, and S. arundinaceun 2.8%. Eggs, nymphs and adult Cicadellidae and Flugoroidea species were excised from these weeds mainly grasses. The under-story canopies of coconut palms LYD temperature at 26 ± 2oC made the vegetation cool, conducive and environmentally friendly for mass breeding when compared with non LYD areas at 32 ± 2oC. The insects were found on the canopies of LYD coconut palms up to late in the evening (7:00 p.m.) and early in the morning (6:30 a.m.). Some of the Flugoroidea species were observed with the proboscis pointed down to the leaf surface with streak damages, an indication of feeding and nesting. Frequencies occurrence of Cicadellidae and Flugoroidea species proved that abundance of decaying palm logs, pruned fronds, spathes and inflorescence were reservoir for mass breeding. This development could predispose coconuts to series of infections and possible transmission of LYD to healthy coconut palms.
机译:杂草物种作为备用寄主被调查,认为最大恐慌是椰子棕榈致死性黄化病(LYD)病媒昆虫的最丰富寄主。在所检查的19种寄主叶蝉Cicadellidae和植物蝉Flugoroidea中,有10种杂草物种。它们在内叶鞘和小叶中发现。椰子LYD地区的杂草种类丰富,分别为桔梗科和萤科科,其中Panicum最多,为32.7%,Andropogon gayanus为23.6%,aorgdinaceum为13.4%,香附子为12.4%,Barthii为11.2%。椰子非LYD地区的杂草物种相对较低,其丰度最高,为P. 9.1%,A。gayanus 8.4%,丝状线虫6.8%,Arundinaceun 2.8%。从这些杂草主要是草中切除了卵,若虫和成年的Ci科和类鞭毛科。与32±2oC的非LYD地区相比,椰树LYD在26±2oC的下层冠层使植被凉爽,有利于环境繁殖。直到深夜(下午7:00)和清晨(上午6:30)才在LYD椰子树冠上发现了昆虫。观察到某些Flugoroidea物种,其长鼻指向叶表面,有条纹损害,表明有食食和筑巢。 Cicadellidae和Flugoroidea物种的发生频率证明,大量腐烂的棕榈原木,修剪的叶状体,茎秆和花序是大量繁殖的储存库。这种发展可能使椰子容易遭受一系列感染,并可能将LYD传播给健康的椰子树。



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