首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Physicochemical Characteristics of CoconutWater from a€?in vitro Culturea€? (Cocos nuciferaL.) According to Fruit Maturation Stage andStorage Period

Physicochemical Characteristics of CoconutWater from a€?in vitro Culturea€? (Cocos nuciferaL.) According to Fruit Maturation Stage andStorage Period

机译:体外培养椰子水的理化特性(Cocos nuciferaL。)根据果实成熟期和贮藏期



Aims: To reduce expenses and losses related to the dissemination of the coconut, PB121 hybrids were developed using “in vitro culture” technique. But this type of coconut hybrid planted in 1984 is not yet fully investigated. The aim of this study was to assess the physical and chemical characteristics of water from mature coconuts of this type of PB121 hybrid according to nut maturation stage and storage period.Methodology: The ordinary (in situ) PB121 was used as control material.Results: The results showed a decrease of the coconuts weight (1276.26 g to 876.08 g) and coconuts water weight (163.19 g to 140.66 g) from the 1st to 4th week of storage regardless of their ripeness stage. Water chemical parameters such as sugar content (27.66 mg/ml to 17.03 mg/ml), acidity (270 meq/100 g to 70 meq/100 g) and dry matter (5.06 % to 3.79 %) also declined during this period. On the other hand, the ash content and pH increased first and then decreased from the second week of storage.Conclusion: The results show an overall similarity between the two types of hybrids. However, water of “in vitro culture” PB121 hybrid is more acidic than that of ordinary PB121. It can therefore be used for drinking or be used to make vinegar.
机译:目的:为了减少与传播椰子有关的费用和损失,使用“体外培养”技术开发了PB121杂种。但是,1984年种植的这种椰子杂交种尚未得到充分研究。这项研究的目的是根据坚果成熟阶段和贮藏期来评估这种PB121杂种的成熟椰子中水的物理和化学特性。方法:以普通(原位)PB121作为对照材料。结果表明,从贮藏的第1周到第4周,椰子的重量(从1276.26 g减少到876.08 g)和椰子水的重量(从163.19 g减少到140.66 g),无论其成熟阶段如何。糖含量(27.66 mg / ml至17.03 mg / ml),酸度(270 meq / 100 g至70 meq / 100 g)和干物质(5.06 %至3.79 %)等水化学参数在此期间也下降了。另一方面,灰分含量和pH从储存的第二周开始先升高,然后降低。结论:结果表明两种类型的杂种之间总体相似。但是,“体外培养” PB121杂种的水比普通PB121的水更酸性。因此,它可以用于饮用或用于制醋。



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