首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >As concep??es de risco e de preven??o segundo a ótica dos usuários de drogas injetáveis

As concep??es de risco e de preven??o segundo a ótica dos usuários de drogas injetáveis




This paper provides an exploratory analysis, using a qualitative approach, to perceptions by injecting drug users (IDUs) on: (a) risks associated with injecting practices; (b) risks of HIV/AIDS; and (c) prevention of HIV/AIDS. The study was conducted in five harm reduction programs in Brazil (the AjUDE-Brasil Project). Forty semi-structured interviews were carried out. The study focuses on the concept of "risk". IDUs were mainly concerned over becoming ill and exposure to overdose and violence. IDUs dealt with individual problems in very specific ways in order to minimize them. They admitted that they were well informed about HIV/AIDS but lacked knowledge on reinfection and other bloodborne diseases. IDUs intended to follow guidelines established by health campaigns, but their addiction usually made it difficult. IDUs also suggested alternative harm reduction strategies and displayed a peculiar reading of concepts concerning sharing their injecting paraphernalia.
机译:本文通过定性方法,通过对以下方面的注射毒品使用者(IDU)进行感知分析:(a)与注射做法有关的风险; (b)艾滋病毒/艾滋病的风险; (c)预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病。该研究是在巴西的五个减低危害项目(AjUDE-巴西项目)中进行的。进行了40次半结构化访谈。该研究集中在“风险”的概念上。注射毒品者主要担心生病以及暴露于过量和暴力。注射毒品使用者以非常具体的方式处理个别问题,以便将其最小化。他们承认,他们对艾滋病毒/艾滋病了解很多,但对再感染和其他血源性疾病缺乏了解。注射毒品使用者打算遵循卫生运动制定的指导方针,但是他们的成瘾通常使之困难。注射毒品者还提出了减少伤害的替代战略,并展示了有关分享其注射用具的概念。



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