首页> 外文期刊>BMC Psychiatry >‘We’re here to listen and help them as well’ : a qualitative study of staff and Indigenous patient perceptions about participating in social and emotional wellbeing research at primary healthcare services

‘We’re here to listen and help them as well’ : a qualitative study of staff and Indigenous patient perceptions about participating in social and emotional wellbeing research at primary healthcare services




Research can inform culturally-appropriate care to strengthen social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (hereafter, the term ‘Indigenous Peoples’ is respectfully used and refers to all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia). We acknowledge the cultural diversity of Australia’s Indigenous First Peoples and they do not represent a homogenous group.) (hereafter Indigenous) Peoples. We explore the perspectives of primary healthcare staff and Indigenous patients about their willingness to and experiences participating in SEWB research. Process evaluation using grounded theory approaches of Getting it Right: The validation study, a national validation designed Indigenous SEWB research project (N?=?500). Primary healthcare staff (n?=?36) and community members (n?=?4) from nine of ten primary healthcare services involved with the research project completed qualitative semi-structured interviews. Interview data were triangulated with participant feedback (responses to structured questions and free-text feedback collected during Getting it Right), study administrative data (participant screening logs, communication logs, study protocol, deviation logs and ethics correspondence) and interviewer field notes. Three themes about staff, patient and community perspectives concerning research participation developed: (1) considering the needs, risk, preferences and impact of participation in research for staff, patients and community; (2) building staff confidence speaking to patients about research and SEWB problems and (3) patients speaking openly about their SEWB. Some staff described pressure to ensure patients had a positive experience with the research, to respond appropriately if patients became upset or SEWB problems were identified during interviews, or due to their dual role as community member and researcher. Patients and staff reported that patients were more likely to participate if they knew the staff outside of the service, especially staff with a shared cultural background, and they perceived SEWB as a community priority. Staff reported their skills speaking to patients about the research and SEWB improved during the research, which built their confidence. Contrary to staff preconceptions, staff and patients reported that many patients appreciated the opportunity to speak about their SEWB and contributing to research that may eventually enhance SEWB in their community. Our research project was considered acceptable by most staff and patients. The positive outcomes reported by staff and feedback from patients highlights the importance of providing opportunities for people to speak about their SEWB and for research-informed SEWB PHC care. Getting it Right is registered on ANZCTR12614000705684 .
机译:研究可以提供文化上适当的照顾,以加强土著和托雷斯海峡岛民的社会和情感福祉(以下简称“土著人民”一词,是指澳大利亚的所有土著和/或托雷斯海峡岛民)。我们承认澳大利亚土著原住民的文化多样性,他们并不代表同质群体。)(以下简称“原住民”)。我们探讨了初级保健人员和土著患者对SEWB研究的意愿和参与的观点。使用正确的扎根理论方法进行过程评估:验证研究,一项国家验证设计的本地SEWB研究项目(N?=?500)。研究项目涉及的十个主要医疗服务中有九个的主要医疗保健人员(n = 36)和社区成员(n = 4)完成了定性半结构化访谈。访谈数据与参与者反馈(对“正确解决”期间收集的结构化问题和自由文本反馈),研究管理数据(参与者筛选日志,交流日志,研究协议,偏差日志和道德对应关系)和访谈者现场笔记进行了三角关系。就工作人员,患者和社区的研究参与提出了三个主题:(1)考虑参与工作人员,患者和社区的需求,风险,偏好和影响; (2)建立员工对患者谈论研究和SEWB问题的信心,以及(3)患者公开谈论其SEWB。一些工作人员描述了压力,以确保患者有积极的研究经验,如果患者在面试过程中感到不适或SEWB问题,或者由于他们作为社区成员和研究者的双重角色,则应做出适当的反应。患者和员工报告说,如果患者认识服务之外的员工,尤其是具有共同文化背景的员工,并且将SEWB视为社区优先事项,则他们更有可能参加。工作人员向他们汇报了他们对患者进行研究的技巧,并且在研究期间SEWB得到了改善,从而树立了信心。与工作人员的成见相反,工作人员和患者报告说,许多患者很高兴有机会谈论他们的SEWB,并为可能最终增强其社区SEWB的研究做出了贡献。我们的研究项目被大多数员工和患者接受。工作人员报告的积极成果和患者的反馈突出表明,为人们提供有关其SEWB以及进行研究性SEWB PHC护理的机会的重要性。正确处理在ANZCTR12614000705684上进行了注册。



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