首页> 外文期刊>Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan >Jarak Rumah Ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir, Kualitas Fisik Rumah Terhadap Kadar Gas Metana (CH4) Dalam Rumah Di Kelurahan Batulayang Kecamatan Pontianak Utara, Kota Pontianak

Jarak Rumah Ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir, Kualitas Fisik Rumah Terhadap Kadar Gas Metana (CH4) Dalam Rumah Di Kelurahan Batulayang Kecamatan Pontianak Utara, Kota Pontianak




Gas that highly produced from decomposition of garbages at fi nal spot waste disposal is methane.Methane gas is one of gases that can cause poisoning and source of air pollutants which cause health problems such as respiratory disorders. The study aimed to determine the relationship between distance and physical qualities of houses with levels of methane gas inside houses surrounding the fi nal spot waste disposal, the TPAS in Batu Layang Village, North Pontianak year 2015., It was an observational study with a cross sectional design. Samples were all, 34 houses around the TPAS in Batu Layang Village. The analysis was by chi-square test. Most inhabitants were educated 60% of elementary and junior high school and 68% labors. More than half, 19 (55.9%) had at the average methane gas levels in houses with high category of 0.25 ppm. The majorities 84.2% distance of houses to the TPAS and house conditions with types of 81.3 % fl oor, 83.3% wall and 66.7% large ventilation were not as the requirements. The types of fl oor and wall that were not as the requirements and distance of houses to the TPAS were risk to methane gas in the house as 8.66 (95%CI 1.76–42.60), 7.22 (95% CI:1.26–41.14), and 4,66 (95% CI 0.94–23.03) times higher than house conditions as the requirements and near distance to the TPAS. Near distance of houses to the TPAS and types of fl oor, wall not as requirements caused methane gas into the houses. Meanwhile large house ventilation was not associated with methane levels in the houses likely because the distance and types of fl oor, wall had more infl uences Inhabitants who live surroundings the TPAS should cover fl oors with rugs and make wall of house from woods with well arranged. Moreover, they should plant shade trees to absorb and reduce gases to gases from the TPAS, especially methane
机译:最终现场处置时,垃圾分解产生的高产气体是甲烷。甲烷气体是会引起中毒和空气污染物来源的气体之一,空气污染物会导致健康问题,例如呼吸系统疾病。该研究旨在确定距离与房屋物理质量之间的关系,以及最终垃圾处理场周围房屋内部甲烷气体含量的关系,该房屋是北坤甸北Ba都腊央村的TPAS,2015年。分区设计。样本全部为Ba都拉央村TPAS周围的34栋房屋。通过卡方检验进行分析。大多数居民的小学和初中文化程度为60%,劳动人口则为68%。在0.25 ppm高类别房屋中,有超过一半的平均甲烷气体水平为19(55.9%)。多数房屋到TPAS的距离为84.2%,房屋类型为81.3%,墙壁类型为83.3%,大通风量为66.7%。不符合房屋要求的地板和墙壁类型以及房屋与TPAS的距离会威胁房屋中的甲烷气体,分别为8.66(95%CI 1.76–42.60),7.22(95%CI:1.26–41.14),要求和距离TPAS的距离要比房屋条件高4,66倍(95%CI 0.94–23.03)。房屋距离TPAS的距离近,地板的类型,墙体不符合要求,导致甲烷气体进入房屋。同时,大型房屋的通风与房屋中的甲烷水平无关,这可能是因为地板的距离和类型,墙的影响更大。TPAS周围的居民应该用地毯覆盖地板,并用布置合理的木材制成房屋。此外,他们应该种植遮荫树,以吸收和减少来自TPAS的气体,尤其是甲烷



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