首页> 外文期刊>Bosque (Valdivia) >Caracterización morfológica de tres procedencias de boldo (Peumus boldus) en una plantación joven de 6 a?os

Caracterización morfológica de tres procedencias de boldo (Peumus boldus) en una plantación joven de 6 a?os

机译:在6年的幼龄林中三种起源的黑尾果(Peumus boldus)的形态特征



Peumus boldus Mol., which belongs to the Monimiaceae family, is an evergreen endemic tree characteristic of the sclerophytic forest of the Chilean mediterranean region. Traditionally used as firewood and charcoal, this species usually simulates shrub characteristics, because of its ability to sprout from the trunk. The principal interest lays in the active compounds of a wide therapeutic use synthesized by its leaves. Boldo is wild harvested, which induced its domestication to reduce the disruption of natural ecosystems and improve the quality of the harvested products. The study objective was to morphologically characterize three boldo provenances, to determinate parameters which could be considered on future genetic selection. A series of morphological parameters were measured for individuals of the three origins cultivated at the Universidad de Talca. The morphological characteristics associated with plant architecture were principally influenced by the environment, while the characteristics associated with leaf morphology respond to genetic information modulated differentially by the environment.
机译:Peumus boldus Mol。属于Monimiaceae科,是智利地中海地区硬皮植物森林的一种常绿特有树种。传统上用作柴火和木炭,由于其能够从树干中发芽,因此通常模拟灌木的特征。主要兴趣在于由其叶子合成的具有广泛治疗用途的活性化合物。 Boldo是野生收获的,因此可以驯化以减少自然生态系统的破坏并提高收获产品的质量。该研究的目的是在形态上表征三个大胆来源,以确定可以在将来的遗传选择中考虑的参数。测量了塔尔卡大学培养的三个起源个体的一系列形态学参数。与植物结构相关的形态特征主要受环境影响,而与叶片形态相关的特征则对环境差异调节的遗传信息作出反应。



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