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Normalization and centering of array-based heterologous genome hybridization based on divergent control probes




Background Hybridization of heterologous (non-specific) nucleic acids onto arrays designed for model-organisms has been proposed as a viable genomic resource for estimating sequence variation and gene expression in non-model organisms. However, conventional methods of normalization that assume equivalent distributions (such as quantile normalization) are inappropriate when applied to non-specific (heterologous) hybridization. We propose an algorithm for normalizing and centering intensity data from heterologous hybridization that makes no prior assumptions of distribution, reduces the false appearance of homology, and provides a way for researchers to confirm whether heterologous hybridization is suitable. Results Data are normalized by adjusting for Gibbs free energy binding, and centered by adjusting for the median of a common set of control probes assumed to be equivalently dissimilar for all species. This procedure was compared to existing approaches and found to be as successful as Loess normalization at detecting sequence variations (deletions) and even more successful than quantile normalization at reducing the accumulation of false positive probe matches between two related nematode species, Caenorhabditis elegans and C. briggsae. Despite the improvements, we still found that probe fluorescence intensity was too poorly correlated with sequence similarity to result in reliable detection of matching probe sequence. Conclusions Cross-species hybridizations can be a way to adapt genome-enabled tools for closely related non-model organisms, but data must be appropriately normalized and centered in a way that accommodates hybridization of nucleic acids with diverged sequence. For short, 25-mer probes, hybridization intensity alone may be insufficiently correlated with sequence similarity to allow reliable inference of homology at the probe level.
机译:背景技术已经提出将异源(非特异性)核酸杂交到设计用于模型生物的阵列上,作为估计非模型生物中序列变异和基因表达的可行基因组资源。但是,当应用于非特异性(异源)杂交时,假设等效分布的常规归一化方法(例如分位数归一化)是不合适的。我们提出了一种将来自异源杂交的强度数据归一化和居中的算法,该算法没有先验的分布假设,减少了同源性的假象,并为研究人员提供了一种方法来确认异源杂交是否合适。结果数据通过调整吉布斯自由能结合进行归一化,并通过调整一组通用的对照探针的中位数进行中心化,这些对照探针假定对所有物种而言都是等效的。将该方法与现有方法进行了比较,发现在检测序列变异(缺失)方面与黄土归一化一样成功,并且在减少两种相关线虫秀丽隐杆线虫和C线虫之间假阳性探针匹配的积累方面,比分位数归一化更成功。 Briggsae。尽管有所改进,我们仍然发现探针荧光强度与序列相似性的关联太差,无法可靠地检测出匹配的探针序列。结论跨物种杂交可能是适应紧密相关的非模型生物的基因组工具的一种方法,但是必须适当地规范化数据并集中数据,以容纳具有不同序列的核酸杂交。对于短的25聚体探针,单独的杂交强度可能与序列相似性不足以允许可靠地推断出探针水平的同源性。



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