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Intimate partner violence and utilization of maternal health care services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia




Background Despite its prominence, intimate partner violence (IPV) against women has received little attention in Ethiopia. And as many of sub-Saharan African countries, maternal health care services utilization remains poor. Full access and utilization of maternal health care services is a key to significant reduction in maternal and child mortality, and eliminate new HIV infection in infants. Identifying the factors that contribute to the poor access and utilization should aid the design of appropriate policy and intervention strategies. Thus the objective of this study was to examine the association between IPV and use of maternal health care services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods A cross sectional study on couples (N?=?210; male/female pairs) with an infant less than 6?months of age was conducted. The dependent variable was use of maternal health care services and the main independent variable was IPV. Data was collected using face-to-face self-reported questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to examine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Results The mean age of the women was 28.7?years (SD?=?5.4), on average women were 7.4?years (SD?=?7.4) younger than their partners. Although most of the women (95.2%) had at least one antenatal care (ANC), only 35 (2%) had ≥4 ANC visits and about half (49.0%) had their first ANC visit within the first trimester. Women who experienced emotional IPV in their relationship were less likely to have their 1st ANC within three months of pregnancy (AOR?=?0.69; 95%CI?=?0.49–0.96). Women who reported physical IPV in their relationship were less likely to use ≥4 ANC (AOR?=?0.48; 95%CI?=?0.21–0.71), be tested for HIV (AOR?=?0.26; 95%CI?=?0.09–0.79), have skilled delivery attendant (AOR?=?0.31; 95%CI?=?0.12–0.98), and deliver in a health facility (AOR?=?0.35; 95%CI?=?0.14–0.88). Likewise, women experienced sexual IPV or partner control in their relationship were less likely to use ANC ≥4 times (AORsexual-IPV?=?0.91; 95%CI?=?0.84–0.98 and AORpartner-control?=?0.38; 95%CI?=?0.17–0.85 respectively). Conclusions IPV is prevalent among couples in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where three out of four women reported having experienced one or more type of IPV in their current relationship. And all types of IPV showed significant association with poor utilization of one or more maternal health care services. Thus efforts to sustain the recent success in maternal health and further improvement should give due consideration to IPV.
机译:背景技术尽管突出,对妇女的亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)在埃塞俄比亚很少受到关注。与许多撒哈拉以南非洲国家一样,产妇保健服务的利用仍然很差。充分利用和利用孕产妇保健服务是大幅降低孕产妇和儿童死亡率,消除婴儿新的艾滋病毒感染的关键。确定造成获取和利用不佳的因素,应有助于设计适当的政策和干预策略。因此,本研究的目的是检验埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的IPV与孕产妇保健服务的使用之间的关联。方法对婴儿年龄小于6个月的夫妇(N = 210,男/女对)进行横断面研究。因变量是产妇保健服务的使用,主要自变量是IPV。使用面对面的自我报告调查表收集数据,并使用SPSS 20.0版进行分析。使用双变量和多元逻辑回归模型检查因变量和自变量之间的关系。结果妇女的平均年龄为28.7岁(SD == 5.4),平均比同龄人年轻7.4岁(SD == 7.4)。尽管大多数女性(95.2%)至少接受过一次产前检查(ANC),但只有35名(2%)进行了≥4次ANC访视,约一半(49.0%)的妇女在前三个月进行了首次ANC访视。在关系中经历过情感性IPV的女性在怀孕三个月内出现1 ANC的可能性较小(AOR?=?0.69; 95%CI?=?0.49-0.96)。在其关系中报告有实际IPV的女性不太可能使用≥4ANC(AOR?=?0.48; 95%CI?=?0.21-0.71),需要接受HIV检测(AOR?=?0.26; 95%CI?= (0.09–0.79),具有熟练的分娩服务员(AOR?=?0.31; 95%CI?=?0.12-0.98),并在医疗机构分娩(AOR?=?0.35; 95%CI?=?0.14-0.88 )。同样,经历过性IPV或伴侣关系控制的女性,她们使用ANC≥4次的可能性较小(AOR 性IPV ?=?0.91; 95%CI?=?0.84-0.98,AOR < sub> partner-control ?=?0.38; 95%CI?=?0.17-0.85)。结论IPV在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的夫妇中很普遍,据报道,四分之三的妇女在目前的恋爱关系中经历过一种或多种IPV。而且所有类型的IPV都与不良地使用一种或多种孕产妇保健服务密切相关。因此,为维持近期在孕产妇保健方面的成功和进一步改善而做出的努力应适当考虑IPV。



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