首页> 外文期刊>BioTechnology: An Indian Journal >Magnetic resonance imaging-based tennis player wrist joints injury diagnosis

Magnetic resonance imaging-based tennis player wrist joints injury diagnosis




With tennis players??? increasing requirements of performance, training intensity has been gradually increasing, and lots of players have appeared wrist joints injury to different extents. Based on this, the paper applies magnetic resonance imaging into tennis player wrist joints diagnosis, with an aim to help to cure wrist joints sports injury. Firstly analyze magnetic resonance imaging principle, and magnetic resonance signal detection and image reconstruction, and then combine with computer technology, it takes pictures and analyzesmagnetic resonance imagingwithmany tennis players that have wrist joints injury, by obtained MRI pictures, it can clearly understand players??? wrist joints injury status. Finally take model test and know thatMRI pictures analysis results are basically the same as players??? reflected wrist joints injury severities, which shows magnetic resonance imaging, can better apply to wrist joints injury diagnosis and other similar sports injury diagnosis.
机译:和网球选手在一起???对性能的要求越来越高,训练强度也逐渐提高,很多球员都在不同程度上出现了腕关节损伤。在此基础上,本文将磁共振成像技术应用于网球运动员腕关节的诊断,以期治愈腕关节的运动损伤。首先分析磁共振成像原理,并进行磁共振信号检测和图像重建,然后结合计算机技术,对许多手腕受伤的网球运动员进行拍照和分析,通过获得的MRI照片,可以清晰地了解运动员。 ?腕关节受伤状态。最后进行模型测试,知道MRI图像分析结果与播放器基本相同???反映出的腕关节损伤严重程度,可以显示磁共振成像,可以更好地应用于腕关节损伤诊断和其他类似的运动损伤诊断。



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