首页> 外文期刊>Biota Neotropica >Review about mites (Acari) of rubber trees (Hevea spp., Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil

Review about mites (Acari) of rubber trees (Hevea spp., Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil

机译:关于巴西橡胶树(Hevea spp。,Euphorbiaceae)的螨(Acari)的评论



Two of the most economically important superfamilies of phytophagous mites are Tetranychoidea and Eriophyoidea, which have species represented in rubber trees in Brazil. In this paper we review the literature concerning the mite fauna registered on rubber trees in that country. The source was the information available on literature, but also data from exploratory samplings in Goianésia, State of Goiás, and from a triennial survey with monthly samplings in Cedral, State of S?o Paulo. Among the phytophagous mites the most important and abundant species were Calacarus heveae and Tenuipalpus heveae. Seven of the nominal species reported belong to the family Tetranychidae. Eutetranychus banksi and Oligonychus gossypii were very numerous in several crops studied, although with no evident damage to the leaves caused by the former. The richest family was Phytoseiidae (27 species). Other rich and numerous family with predatory species was Stigmaeidae (10). The study of mites associated with rubber trees was triggered after the discovery of Calacarus heveae, after what several works arose in order to understand the seasonal occurrence of mites on that culture, their biology, chemical control and influence of associated vegetation. Not surprisingly, most surveys were made in the State of S?o Paulo, which responds to up to 60% of the national latex yield. Whereas in some rubber tree crops there were made seasonal samplings, most of the surveys had only few isolated samplings.
机译:植食性螨的两个在经济上最重要的超科是四叶螨(Tetranychoidea)和绒毛纲(Eriophyoidea),它们在巴西的橡胶树中有代表性。在本文中,我们回顾了有关该国橡胶树上注册的螨类动物的文献。资料来源是文献资料,也包括来自戈亚斯州戈亚内西亚的探索性抽样的数据,以及来自圣保罗州塞德拉尔的每月抽样三年一次的调查数据。在植食性螨中,最重要和最丰富的物种是Cal蒲属和特努帕胡属。报告的标称物种中有七个属于四翅目科。在所研究的几种农作物中,Eutetranychus banki和Oligonychus gossypii数量很多,尽管前者对叶片没有造成明显损害。最富有的科是植物科(Phytoseiidae)(27种)。另一个有掠食性物种的富裕家庭是柱头科(10)。橡胶树相关螨类的研究是在发现了金龟属植物后开始的,为了了解螨在该文化中的季节性发生,生物学,化学控制和相关植被的影响,人们进行了几项研究。毫不奇怪,大多数调查都是在圣保罗州进行的,该州的乳胶产量占全国的60%。在某些橡胶树农作物中进行了季节性采样,而大多数调查只有很少的独立采样。



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