首页> 外文期刊>Design and technology education: An international journal >Using Stop Motion Animation to Sketch in Architecture: A practical approach

Using Stop Motion Animation to Sketch in Architecture: A practical approach


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Widely acknowledged as an archetypal design activity, sketching is typically carried out using little more than pen and paper. Today's designed artifacts however, are often given qualities that are hard to capture with traditional means of sketching. While pen and paper sketching catches the character of a building, it may not equally well capture how that building changes with the seasons, how people pass through it, how the light moves in between its rooms from sunrise to dawn, and how its facade subtly decays over centuries. Yet, it is often exactly these dynamic and interactive aspects that are emphasised in contemporary design work. So is there a way for designers to be able to sketch also these dynamic processes? Over several years and in different design disciplines, we have been exploring the potential of stop motion animation (SMA) to serve this purpose. SMA is a basic form of animation typically applied to make physical objects appear to be alive. The animator moves objects in small increments between individually photographed frames. When the photographs are combined and played back in continuous sequence, the illusion of movement is created. Although SMA has a long history in filmmaking, the animation technique has received scarce attention in most design fields including product design, architecture, and interaction design. This paper brings SMA into the area of sketching in architecture by reporting on the planning, conduct, result, and evaluation of a workshop course carried out with a group of 50 students at Umea School of Architecture, Umea University, Sweden.
机译:草图设计通常被认为是原型设计活动,通常仅使用笔和纸来完成。然而,当今设计的人工制品通常具有传统的素描方法难以捕捉的品质。尽管笔和纸草图捕捉了建筑物的特征,但它可能并不能很好地捕捉建筑物随季节的变化,人们如何穿过建筑物,光线如何从日出到黎明在其房间之间移动以及其外观如何巧妙地捕捉。衰变了几个世纪然而,当代设计工作通常强调的正是这些动态和互动的方面。那么,设计师是否有办法勾勒出这些动态过程呢?几年来,在不同的设计学科中,我们一直在探索定格动画(SMA)达到此目的的潜力。 SMA是动画的一种基本形式,通常用于使物理对象看起来还活着。动画师在单独拍摄的帧之间以较小的增量移动对象。将照片组合在一起并以连续顺序播放时,就会产生运动的错觉。尽管SMA在电影制作方面有着悠久的历史,但是动画技术在大多数设计领域(包括产品设计,建筑和交互设计)都很少受到关注。本文通过报告由瑞典Umea大学Umea建筑学院的50名学生组成的研讨会课程的计划,进行,结果和评估,将SMA引入了建筑素描领域。



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