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Anxiety, Wonder and Astonishment: The Communion of Art and Design


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These remarks originally were presented as a keynote address at the Third International Conference of the Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design (CLTAD) held in Lisbon, Portugal in April 2006. The proceedings of this conference, edited by Felix Lam, are available from the Centre, located in London. In 1966, well-known American art critic Harold Rosenberg published a small collection of essays in The Anxious Object. In the foreword, "Toward an Unanxious Profession," he argued that a new form of anxiety had entered the art community. It was no longer an anxiety of alienation-the psychological state of anxiety that often characterizes the outsider, struggling with loneliness, in a society and a culture that does not appreciate his or her contribution to human experience. That form of anxiety, he argued, had been overcome by the professionalism that settled over American artists in the 1960s, and by the apparent acceptance of art as a regular part of the daily lives of many people. Instead, the new anxiety was a philosophical anxiety, born of the "lightning speed" with which art is appropriated by commercial media and popular communications. "The anxiety of art," he argued, "arises not as a reflex to the condition of artists, but from their reflection upon the role of art among other human activities."
机译:这些评论最初是在2006年4月在葡萄牙里斯本举行的第三届艺术与设计艺术与教学中心国际会议上作主旨演讲的。该会议的会议记录由Felix Lam编辑从位于伦敦的中心。 1966年,美国著名艺术评论家哈罗德·罗森伯格(Harold Rosenberg)在《焦虑的对象》中发表了一些论文集。他在序言“走向无忧的职业”中指出,一种新的焦虑形式已经进入了艺术界。不再是疏离的焦虑-焦虑的心理状态通常是局外人,在孤独中挣扎的特征,在一个不欣赏他或她对人类经验贡献的社会和文化中。他认为,这种焦虑形式已经被1960年代定居于美国艺术家的专业精神以及明显地接受艺术作为许多人日常生活的一部分所克服。取而代之的是,新的焦虑是一种哲学上的焦虑,它源于“闪电般的速度”,艺术被商业媒体和大众传播所采用。他认为:“艺术的焦虑不是对艺术家状况的反映,而是对艺术家在其他人类活动中的作用的反思。”



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