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Is the System Badly Named? Noise as the Paradoxical (Non-)foundation of Social Systems Theory


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Through an analysis of the concept of noise, this paper argues that Niklas Luhmann's systems theory is not only a theory built on binary oppositions such as system/environment, but also a theory full of paradoxical third things that challenges any idea of systems as stable, systematic entities. To revitalise the concept of noise I trace the concept back to the sources that Luhmann draws on, namely Heinz von Foerster and Henri Atlan. Moreover, I introduce Michel Serres's theory of noise to emphasis that noise is not just an outside to orderly systems, but the unstable ground of always changing orders. Through this synthesis I conclude that systems should not be understood as predictable entities or identities with pre-given boundaries, but rather as autopoietic processes driven by indeterminacy and paradoxes.
机译:通过对噪声概念的分析,本文认为Niklas Luhmann的系统理论不仅是建立在系统/环境等二元对立基础上的理论,而且是充满悖论性的第三件事的理论,它对任何稳定的系统概念都提出了挑战,系统实体。为了重振噪音的概念,我将其追溯到卢曼借鉴的来源,即亨氏·冯·佛斯特和亨利·阿特兰。此外,我介绍了Michel Serres的噪声理论,以强调噪声不仅是有序系统的外部因素,而且是经常变化的阶次的不稳定基础。通过这一综合,我得出结论,系统不应被理解为具有预先给定边界的可预测实体或身份,而应被理解为由不确定性和悖论驱动的自生过程。



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