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The Concept of Information-Again and Again


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Information science developed out of documentation, and the documentation movement developed a theoretically motivated concept document as a basic term (or fundamental sign) for the field: A document is "any concrete or symbolic indication, preserved or recorded, for reconstructing or for proving a phenomenon, whether physical or mental" (Briet, 1951, p. 7; quoted in Buckland, 1991b, p. 47). The shift from document to information took place without a proper scholarly argumentation of limits in the concept of document. It may partly have been motivated by the dream that Shannon's information theory (which, by the way, is also misnamed) could form a theoretical basis for the field (this idea was common around 1950, as exemplified by Blegvad, Elberling, Johnsen & Rode, 1957). But over the years it has been increasingly clear that Shannon's theory may not be a proper theoretical foundation for the field and it has been losing influence (Fugmann, 2007, 2008; Wersig, 2003). Other kinds of theories such as semiotic, epistemological and sociological theories, seem better fit to be able to fulfill the needs and imply other basic concepts (such as sign, conception, document, and knowledge). The term information may also indicate a special focus on information technology (IT), for example understanding the field as being about automating libraries and documentation processes at the expense of intellectual issues such as how best to represent a document for search purposes, how to determine relevance, or how to evaluate the quality of documents and services. Finally, the use of the information concept in the field has probably also been motivated by an less intellectually serious attempt to provide more prestige to the fields of library science and documentation (Spang-Hanssen, 2001).
机译:信息科学是从文档发展而来的,而文档运动则开发了具有理论动机的概念文档,作为该领域的基本术语(或基本符号):文档是“保存或记录的任何具体或符号指示,用于重构或证明(无论是生理还是心理现象)(Briet,1951年,第7页; Buckland,1991b,第47页中引用)。从文档到信息的转变是在没有适当的学术上论证文档概念限制的情况下发生的。可能部分地是由于梦的动机,即香农的信息理论(顺便说一下,它也被错误命名)可以构成该领域的理论基础(这一思想在1950年左右很普遍,例如Blegvad,Elberling,Johnsen和Rode所举例说明的) (1957年)。但是多年来,越来越明显的是,香农的理论可能不是该领域的适当理论基础,并且已经失去了影响力(Fugmann,2007,2008; Wersig,2003)。符号学,认识论和社会学等其他类型的理论似乎更适合满足需求并暗示其他基本概念(例如符号,概念,文献和知识)。信息一词还可能表示对信息技术(IT)的特别关注,例如,将本领域理解为是关于自动化图书馆和文档处理的过程,而这是以知识问题为代价的,例如如何最好地表示文档以进行搜索,如何确定相关性,或如何评估文档和服务的质量。最后,在信息领域中使用信息概念的动机可能还在于,在思想上不太认真的尝试为图书馆科学和文献领域提供了更高的声誉(Spang-Hanssen,2001)。



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