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New Visual Hermeneutics


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The digital humanities often generate research insights by interpreting data visualizations, yet the process of interpreting such visualizations is by no means self-evident. In this paper we present a new methodology for interpreting visualizations that aims at intersubjective acceptance. New visual hermeneutics is an integrated research framework that pays particular attention to the epistemology of visualizations. Adapting Don Ihde's experimental phenomenology, it addresses the research process as a whole, focusing on the impact of the entire sequence of four distinct steps or research decisions that culminate in a visualization: (1) data sampling, (2) algorithmic analysis of the sampled data, (3) selection of a visualization for algorithmic analysis, and (4) hermeneutic interpretation of the selected visualization.
机译:数字人文科学经常通过解释数据可视化来产生研究见解,但是解释这种可视化的过程绝不是不言而喻的。在本文中,我们提出了一种解释视觉化的新方法,该方法旨在主体间接受。新的视觉解释学是一个集成的研究框架,特别关注可视化的认识论。适应唐·艾德(Don Ihde)的实验现象学,它着眼于整个研究过程,着眼于四个不同步骤或研究决策最终导致可视化的整个序列的影响:(1)数据采样,(2)采样的算法分析数据,(3)选择用于算法分析的可视化,以及(4)所选可视化的解释学解释。



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