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The Innovation of Innovation How the War System Dominated Societal Temporalization


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According to Reinhart Koscllcck, there have always been discourses about a critical accelerated change in society that opens a path towards apocalypses or utopias. Today, the categorical imperative is "thou shall innovate." Paradoxically, the call for innovation turns towards hysteria when it is ordered as an antidote to a lack of innovation. The argument of the article is that innovation has a very long and complex composed history. The article dissects some of the drivers of innovation, from theology in the 12th century to Renaissance art and especially to the military and state funded acceleration of reforms. Acceleration in time is not only about speed so much as, in particular, about synchronization. Urban centers are drivers too, and so they became, in combination with military needs, the birthplaces of accelerated credit systems. Hence, synchronization developed into a second order structural coupling. The article concludes that evolution, paradoxically, is a result of involution in a specific combination with innovation, since innovation under certain circumstances is conditioned by involution.
机译:根据赖因哈特·科斯尔奇克(Reinhart Koscllcck)的观点,一直存在关于社会重大加速变化的论述,这为通向启示录或乌托邦开辟了道路。今天,绝对必要的是“您将创新”。矛盾的是,当订购创新药来解决缺乏创新的问题时,对创新的呼吁就变成了歇斯底里。本文的论点是,创新具有悠久而复杂的历史。本文剖析了一些创新的驱动力,从12世纪的神学到文艺复兴时期的艺术,尤其是军事和国家资助的加速改革。时间加速不仅与速度有关,而且还与同步有关。城市中心也是司机,因此,结合军事需求,城市中心成为了加速信贷体系的发源地。因此,同步发展为二阶结构耦合。文章得出结论,自相矛盾的是,进化是创新与创新的特定组合中的内卷化的结果,因为在某些情况下,创新受内卷化制约。



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