首页> 外文期刊>Critique >The Russian Security Service's Ethnic Division and the Elimination of Moscow's Chechen Business Class in the 1990s

The Russian Security Service's Ethnic Division and the Elimination of Moscow's Chechen Business Class in the 1990s


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Based on interviews with Chechen leaders and former secret service officials in the Ethnic Division, this article examines the emergence of the Chechen business class in Moscow in the 1980s, the unofficial sponsorship it got from the Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti or Federal Security Service (FSB), and its eventual elimination. This article will look at internal policy papers of the FSB, seeking to show that the niche occupied by the Chechens in Moscow as traders suited the authorities, but later became a barrier to the emergence of an indigenous Russian business class. Finally, this article will examine the interaction between the thwarted social ambitions of Moscow's Chechens, and the emerging national movement, by examining different expressions of Chechen identity.
机译:根据对车臣领导人和民族事务部前特勤局官员的采访,本文考察了1980年代莫斯科车臣商务阶层的兴起,它是由Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti或联邦安全局(FSB)获得的非官方赞助),并最终消除。本文将着眼于FSB的内部政策文件,力图表明作为贸易商的莫斯科车臣人所占据的利基市场适合当局,但后来成为俄罗斯本土商人阶层崛起的障碍。最后,本文将通过考察车臣身份的不同表达方式,考察莫斯科车臣人挫败的社会野心与新兴民族运动之间的相互作用。



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