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1968—Too Little and Too Late? The Communist Party and Race Relations in the Late 1960s 1

机译:1968年-太小而太迟? 1960年代后期的共产党与种族关系1

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This article examines a turning point in the relationship between the black communities in Britain and the British labour movement, focusing upon the role of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) in this relationship. While 1968 saw a great wave of industrial militancy and cultural radicalism, during which the CPGB was quite influential, this upsurge in radical activist politics did not translate into major gains in the struggle against racism in Britain. 1968 saw the tightening of immigration controls and a Labour government intent on the 'integration' of black immigrants, coupled with an increase in racist agitation on the right by Enoch Powell and the fledgling National Front, which caused problems for Britain's black population. The CPGB, one of the largest leftist parties and with a history of anti-colonial and anti-fascist activism, had the potential to be an important agent in the anti-racist movement in the late 1960s, but any appeal to black workers was subsumed by the wider industrial struggles of the period—a phenomenon that was replicated throughout the British labour movement. The inability of the trade unions and the British left to effectively address the grievances of black workers led to autonomous black political organisation, inspired by the ideas of black power and the Marxism of the national liberation struggles. This division between the (primarily white) labour movement and black workers was widened by the events of 1968 and would further consolidate throughout the 1970s. The purpose of this article is to portray how the schism between the traditional organisations of the British working class and the black communities developed, significantly demonstrated by the failure of the heightened radicalism of 1968 to produce tangible benefits for black Britons, and how the potential of the CPGB to undertake an important anti-racist role was diminished by its focus on militant labourism.
机译:本文考察了英国黑人社区与英国工人运动之间关系的转折点,着眼于大不列颠共产党(CPGB)在这种关系中的作用。 1968年,激进的工业激进主义和文化激进主义浪潮席卷了CPGB,在此期间,激进激进主义政治的这种高潮并未转化为英国反种族主义斗争的重大收获。 1968年,紧缩的移民管制和工党政府对黑人移民“融合”的意图,加上以诺·鲍威尔(Enoch Powell)和刚起步的国民阵线(National Front)右派种族主义煽动的增加,给英国的黑人人口带来了麻烦。 CPGB是最大的左翼政党之一,具有反殖民主义和反法西斯激进主义的历史,有可能在1960年代后期成为反种族主义运动的重要推动者,但对黑人工人的任何诉求都被包括在内在那个时期的广泛工业斗争中,这种现象在整个英国工人运动中都得到了复制。工会和英国人无力有效解决黑人工人的不满,导致了黑人权力组织和民族解放斗争的马克思主义的鼓舞,导致黑人政治组织自治。 1968年的事件扩大了(主要是白人)工人运动与黑人工人之间的区分,并将在1970年代进一步巩固。本文的目的是描述英国工人阶级传统组织与黑人社区之间的分裂是如何发展的,1968年激进主义的激进主义未能为黑人英国人带来切实的利益,这充分证明了这一点。 CPGB承担起重要的反种族主义角色,因为它对好战的劳工主义的关注有所减少。



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