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Recovering Marx: Past and Present


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Rick Kuhn's Henryk Grossman and the Recovery of Marxism sets out to bring Grossman's work to a modern audience. Grossman's most famous work The Law of Accumulation and Collapse of the Capitalist System (also a Theory of Crisis) stresses how Marx's prediction of a tendency for the profit rate to fall in boom leads to inevitable recurrent crises, which represent potential revolutionary situations/ breakdown points for capitalism. However Kuhn does not address how Grossman's work has been neglected by 'Marxist' economists. Kliman's Reclaiming Marx's 'Capital' explains how in the 20th century 'Marxist' economists have disputed the internal consistency of Marx's value theory and rejected his tendency for the profit rate to fall. Kliman explains how the Temporal Single System Interpretation of Marx reconfirms the consistency of Marx's value theory and his prediction of the tendency for the profit rate to fall. This article shall argue that both Marx and Grossman have much more to offer us in our current time of crisis than any modern 'Marxist' economist.
机译:里克·库恩(Rick Kuhn)的《亨利·格罗斯曼(Henryk Grossman)和马克思主义的复兴》着手将格罗斯曼的作品带给现代观众。格罗斯曼最著名的著作《资本主义制度的积累和崩溃定律》(也是一种危机理论)强调了马克思对利润率下降趋势的预测如何导致不可避免的经常性危机,这代表了潜在的革命性形势/崩溃点为资本主义。但是,库恩没有谈到“马克思主义”经济学家如何忽视了格罗斯曼的工作。克里曼的《收回马克思的资本》解释了在20世纪的“马克思主义”经济学家如何对马克思的价值理论的内部一致性提出质疑,并拒绝了他的利润率下降趋势。克里曼解释了马克思的时间单一系统解释是如何重新确认马克思价值理论的一致性以及他对利润率下降趋势的预测。本文将论证说,在当前的危机时期,马克思和格罗斯曼都比任何现代“马克思主义”经济学家都能为我们提供更多的东西。



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