首页> 外文期刊>Continental Philosophy Review >Ordinary experience and the epoché: Husserl and Heidegger versus Rosen (and Cavell)

Ordinary experience and the epoché: Husserl and Heidegger versus Rosen (and Cavell)


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In various publications, Stanley Cavell and Stanley Rosen have emphasized the philosophical importance of what they both call “the ordinary.” They both contrast their recovery of “the ordinary” with traditional philosophy, including the phenomenological philosophy of Edmund Husserl. In this paper, I address Rosen’s claims in particular. I argue that Rosen turns the real situation on its head. Contra Rosen, it is not the case that the employment of Husserl’s epoché distorts the authentic voice of “the” ordinary—a voice that is clearly audible only from within everyday life. For (pace both Cavell and Rosen) there is no single “voice” of the ordinary: There are many such “voices,” not all of which are to be relied upon. Therefore, if we want to achieve an adequate grasp of ordinary experience, and Rosen does want this, we precisely need the epoché to curtail the misleading messages of certain other “voices of the ordinary.” Moreover, and somewhat surprisingly, this positive evaluation of the Husserlian epoché finds support in Heidegger’s writings from the twenties. I argue that Heidegger, too, believed that the epoché was an indispensable tool for the philosophical attempt to capture ordinary experience.
机译:斯坦利·卡维尔(Stanley Cavell)和斯坦利·罗森(Stanley Rosen)在各种出版物中都强调了他们都称为“普通人”的哲学重要性。他们都将自己对“平凡”的恢复与传统哲学(包括埃德蒙·胡塞尔的现象学哲学)进行对比。在本文中,我特别谈到罗森的主张。我认为罗森(Rosen)改变了现实。与罗森相反,胡塞尔的纪元的运用并不能使“普通”的真实声音失真,这种声音只有在日常生活中才能清楚地听到。对于(为Cavell和Rosen配音),没有一个普通的“声音”:有很多这样的“声音”,并不是所有这些声音都可以依靠。因此,如果我们想充分掌握普通的经验,而罗森确实希望做到这一点,我们恰恰需要一个时代来减少某些其他“普通人的声音”的误导性信息。而且,令人惊讶的是,这种对哈塞尔时代的积极评价在20年代海德格尔的著作中得到了支持。我认为海德格尔也相信,时代是获取普通经验的哲学尝试的必不可少的工具。



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