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How to Be; What to Do: Character and Action in Ralph Shapey's String Quartet No. 6


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Ralph Shapey wrote a large body of dense, intense, and to those who know it, deeply compelling music over a career spanning nearly 60 years. Highly contrapuntal, employing extremes of register and virtuosity, this music is nevertheless hyper-lyrical and unfolds in ways that allow the dedicated listener to take in its larger gestures on first hearing while rewarding a close attention to its details on subsequent engagement. The article illustrates several features of Shapey's music through an examination of his String Quartet No. 6. This is prepared by a consideration of some of Shapey's own words about his compositional procedures, as found in his volume A basic course in music composition, and in an interview conducted by Stefan Wolpe.
机译:拉尔夫·沙皮(Ralph Shapey)写了一大堆密集而密集的音乐,对那些了解它的人来说,在将近60年的职业生涯中深具吸引力。这首音乐极具矛盾性,运用了极高的配乐和技巧,但仍具有超抒情性,并且以使专用聆听者在初次聆听时能表现出更大姿态的方式展现,同时奖励了对其后续订婚细节的高度关注。本文通过考察Shapey的第6号弦乐四重奏来说明其音乐的几个特征。这是通过考虑Shapey自己关于其作曲程序的一些话而准备的,这在他的《音乐作曲基础课程》和Stefan Wolpe进行的采访。



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