首页> 外文期刊>Contemporary Music Review >Boundary Situations: Translation and Agency in Wolpe's Modernism

Boundary Situations: Translation and Agency in Wolpe's Modernism


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Which musics do or do not express subjectivity is a topic sometimes linked with an historiographic desire to seal off one tendency as modern, another as postmodern. In this article, the author asks in what ways can musics be interpreted or intended to question the limits of self-hood all the while they are profoundly self-expressive. Can music enact subjectivities quite alternative to, for example, Cone's model or related narratives of development and resolution? Can music open a representational space where uncertainties of subjective autonomy and aspirations toward lyrical wholeness and efficacy meet? Wolpe's song 'David's Lament over Jonathan' and two movements from Enactments illustrate Wolpe's ethic of choice and connection as a form of political engagement.
机译:哪些音乐表达或不表达主观性,这是一个有时与历史学愿望相关联的主题,它希望将一种趋势与现代相隔离,将另一种趋势与后现代相隔离。在本文中,作者问音乐在深刻地自我表达的同时,该如何解释音乐或试图质疑音乐的自我限制。音乐是否可以使主观性完全替代例如Cone的模型或相关的发展和解决叙事?音乐能否打开一个代表空间,使主观自治的不确定性以及对抒情完整性和效果的渴望相遇? Wolpe的歌曲“戴维对乔纳森的哀叹”以及《成文法》中的两个乐章说明了Wolpe作为政治参与形式的选择和联系伦理。



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