首页> 外文期刊>Computing >A Dual Framework for Lower Bounds of the Quadratic Assignment Problem Based on Linearization

A Dual Framework for Lower Bounds of the Quadratic Assignment Problem Based on Linearization




A dual framework allowing the comparison of various bounds for the quadratic assignment problem(QAP) based on linearization, e.g.the bounds of Adams and Johnoson, Ccrraresi and Malucelli, and Hahn and Grant, is presented, We discuss the differences of these bounds and propose a new and more general bounding procedure based on the dual of the linearization of Adams and Johnson. The new procedure has been applieed to problems of dimension up to n=72, and the computational resuits indicate that the new bound competes well with existing linearization bounds and yiields a good trade off between computation time and bound quality.
机译:提出了一个双重框架,该框架允许比较基于线性化的二次分配问题(QAP)的各个范围,例如Adams和Johnoson,Ccrraresi和Malucelli的范围以及Hahn和Grant的范围,我们讨论了这些范围的差异并提出了建议基于Adams和Johnson的线性化对偶的一种新的,更通用的包围过程。新程序已被应用于尺寸最大为n = 72的问题,计算结果表明新界限与现有线性化界限竞争良好,并且在计算时间和界限质量之间取得了良好的折衷。



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