首页> 外文期刊>Computing >Global Convergence of a Class of Collinear Scaling Algorithms with Inexact Line Searches on Conves Functions

Global Convergence of a Class of Collinear Scaling Algorithms with Inexact Line Searches on Conves Functions


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Ariyawansa[2] has presented a class of collinear scaling algorithms for unconstrained minimization. A certain family of algorthms contained in this class may be considered as an extension of quasi-Newton methods with the Broyden family [11] of approximants of the objective function Hessian. Byrd, Nocedal and Yuan[7] have shown that all members except the DFP [11]method of the Broyden convex family of quasi-Newton methods with Armijo[1] and Goldstein[12] line search termination criteria are globally and q-superlinearly convergent on uniformly convex functions. Extensionof this result to the above class of collinear scaling algorithms of Ariyawansa[2] has been impossible because line search termination criteria for collinearscaling algorithms werenot known until recently. Ariyawansa [4] has recently proposed such line search temination criteria. In this paper, we prove an analogue of the resuit of Byrd, Nocedal and Yuan[7]for the family of collinear scaling algorithms of Ariyawansa [2] with the line search termination criteria of Ariyawansa[4].
机译:Ariyawansa [2]提出了一类用于无约束最小化的共线缩放算法。该类中包含的某个算法族可以看作是目标函数Hessian的近似值的Broyden族[11]的拟牛顿方法的扩展。 Byrd,Nocedal和Yuan [7]表明,除具有Armijo [1]和Goldstein [12]线搜索终止准则的拟牛顿法的Broyden凸族的DFP [11]方法外,所有成员都是全局和q超线性的收敛于一致凸函数。由于直到最近才知道用于共线性缩放算法的行搜索终止准则,因此无法将这一结果扩展到Ariyawansa [2]的上述共线性缩放算法中。 Ariyawansa [4]最近提出了这样的线搜索终止标准。在本文中,我们证明了Ariyawansa [2]的共线性缩放算法系列与Byrd,Nocedal和Yuan [7]的相似性与Ariyawansa [4]的线搜索终止标准。



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