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Pro ASP.NET web API security: securing ASP.NET web API

机译:Pro ASP.NET Web API安全性:保护ASP.NET Web API

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Web application programming interfaces (APIs) represent a major cornerstone of today's web. Most companies use APIs to support their online business processes. Roughly speaking, securing a web API amounts to imposing a number of constraints on the agents that are allowed to use it (authentication) and the operations that they can perform (authorization). This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the features .NET offers to secure web APIs. The book comprises 15 chapters plus an appendix. I found the ordering of the chapters somewhat hard to follow, so in this review, I have grouped the chapters based on related topics.
机译:Web应用程序编程接口(API)代表了当今Web的主要基石。大多数公司使用API​​来支持其在线业务流程。粗略地说,保护Web API等于对允许使用它的代理(身份验证)及其可以执行的操作(授权)施加许多约束。本书全面介绍了.NET为安全Web API提供的功能。这本书包括15章和附录。我发现各章的顺序有些难以遵循,因此在这篇综述中,我根据相关主题对各章进行了分组。



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