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On affine (non)equivalence of Boolean functions


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In this paper we construct a multiset S(f) of a Boolean function f consisting of the weights of the second derivatives of the function f with respect to all distinct two-dimensional subspaces of the domain. We refer to S(f) as the second derivative spectrum of f. The frequency distribution of the weights of these second derivatives is referred to as the weight distribution of the second derivative spectrum. It is demonstrated in this paper that this weight distribution can be used to distinguish affine nonequivalent Boolean functions. Given a Boolean function f on n variables we present an efficient algorithm having O(n22n ) time complexity to compute S(f). Using this weight distribution we show that all the 6-variable affine nonequivalent bents can be distinguished. We study the subclass of partial-spreads type bent functions known as PS ap type bents. Six different weight distributions are obtained from the set of PS ap bents on 8-variables. Using the second derivative spectrum we show that there exist 6 and 8 variable bent functions which are not affine equivalent to rotation symmetric bent functions. Lastly we prove that no non-quadratic Kasami bent function is affine equivalent to Maiorana-MacFarland type bent functions. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:在本文中,我们构造了布尔函数f的多集S(f),该布尔集由函数f的二阶导数相对于域的所有不同二维子空间的权重组成。我们将S(f)称为f的二阶导数谱。这些二阶导数的权重的频率分布被称为二阶导数频谱的权重分布。本文证明,该权重分布可用于区分仿射非等价布尔函数。给定n个变量的布尔函数f,我们提出了一种具有O(n22n)时间复杂度的有效算法来计算S(f)。使用此重量分布,我们可以识别所有6变量仿射非等效弯曲。我们研究了称为PS ap型折弯的部分扩展型折弯函数的子类。从8个变量上的一组PS ap弯曲中获得了六个不同的重量分布。使用二阶导数谱,我们表明存在6和8个可变弯曲函数,它们与旋转对称弯曲函数不近似。最后,我们证明没有任何二次Kasami弯曲函数与Maiorana-MacFarland型弯曲函数是仿射的。 [出版物摘要]



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