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Offshore Coding Work Raises Security Concerns


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IT professionals are, raising serious questions about the U.S. software industry's reliance on overseas software developers, arguing that the practice puts companies and the U.S. economy at risk. A recent study by Gartner Inc. predicts that by 2004, more than 80% of U.S. companies will consider outsourcing critical IT services, including software development, to countries such as India, Pakistan, Russia and China. But some users said the trend needs to be given a sanity check in light of recent changes in the global security environment. At last week's Techno-Secu- rity Conference here, users peppered a panel of corporate security offiicers with ques- tions about the wis-dom of outsourcing software development to cheap labor overseas, where there is little or no way to ascertain the security risk that workers may pose.
机译:IT专业人员对美国软件产业对海外软件开发商的依赖提出了严峻的问题,认为这种做法使公司和美国经济面临风险。 Gartner公司最近的一项研究预测,到2004年,超过80%的美国公司将考虑将关键的IT服务(包括软件开发)外包给印度,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯和中国等国家。但是一些用户表示,鉴于全球安全环境的最新变化,需要对这种趋势进行全面检查。在上周举行的技术安全会议上,用户向企业安全专家小组提出了一些问题,这些问题涉及将软件开发外包给海外廉价劳动力的智慧,在这种情况下,几乎没有办法确定安全隐患。工人可能摆姿势。



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