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Profiling good Samaritans in online knowledge forums: Effects of affiliative tendency, self-esteem, and public individuation on knowledge sharing


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Two studies investigated what motivates knowledge sharing in online knowledge forums. Based on the uses and gratifications model, we hypothesized that individuals would respond to information requests broadcast by unknown others to fulfill their needs for social interaction (affiliative tendency), to maintain a positive self-image (self-esteem), or to proclaim one's uniqueness (public individuation). Consistent with the hypotheses, a web-based survey with current users of a public knowledge sharing site found that those with stronger affiliative tendency, higher self-esteem, or stronger public individuation were more likely to contribute to the open information repository (Study 1). However, a 2 (social presence: low vs. high) × 2 (recognition rewards: absent vs. present) between-subjects design experiment also showed that these psychological traits significantly enhanced individuals' intention to share knowledge on a public web site, only when other users' presence was rendered salient and individual contributions were visibly acknowledged (Study 2).
机译:两项研究调查了激励在线知识论坛中知识共享的因素。基于使用和满足模型,我们假设个人将响应未知他人广播的信息请求,以满足他们的社交互动需求(亲和倾向),维持积极的自我形象(自尊)或宣扬自己的唯一性(公共个性化)。与假设相一致的是,对公共知识共享站点的当前用户进行的基于网络的调查发现,拥有更强的联结倾向,较高的自尊心或较强的公众个性化的人更有可能对开放信息库做出贡献(研究1) 。然而,受试者之间的2(社交存在:低与高)×2(识别奖励:不存在与存在)之间的设计实验也表明,这些心理特征显着增强了个人在公共网站上共享知识的意愿。当其他用户的存在变得显着并且明显地认可了个人贡献时(研究2)。



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