首页> 外文期刊>Computers in Human Behavior >Who wants to be 'friend-rich'? Social compensatory friending on Facebook and the moderating role of public self-consciousness

Who wants to be 'friend-rich'? Social compensatory friending on Facebook and the moderating role of public self-consciousness

机译:谁想成为“有钱人”? Facebook上的社会补偿性友善与公众自我意识的调节作用

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The present research aims to provide insight into social compensatory friending on social network sites by investigating the effects of self-esteem and self-consciousness on number of friends in the context of Facebook use. It was hypothesized that Facebook users low in self-esteem, when compared with high-self-esteem individuals, would engage in friending more actively and thereby accumulate a large number of friends as a way to compensate for the deficiency in self-esteem. We also hypothesized that the relationship between self-esteem and number of Facebook friends would vary depending on the levels of public self-consciousness. Data were collected from a college student sample in the United States (N = 234) based on an online cross-sectional survey. The results supported the hypothesis on social compensatory friending, demonstrating a negative association between self-esteem and number of Facebook friends. Furthermore, the data yielded support for the hypothesized moderating role of public self-consciousness in social compensatory friending: the negative association between self-esteem and number of Facebook friends was significant only for Facebook users who are high in public self-consciousness but not for those who are low in public self-consciousness. Implications for understanding social network site users' friending behavior in light of social compensation motives are discussed.
机译:本研究旨在通过调查在Facebook使用背景下的自尊和自我意识对朋友数量的影响,提供对社交网站上的社会补偿性朋友的见解。据推测,与自尊心较高的人相比,自尊心较低的Facebook用户会更积极地进行交友,从而积累了大量的朋友,以此来弥补自尊心的不足。我们还假设,自尊与Facebook朋友数量之间的关系会根据公众的自我意识水平而变化。数据是根据在线横截面调查从美国(N = 234)的一个大学生样本中收集的。结果支持关于社会补偿性交往的假设,表明自尊与Facebook朋友数量之间呈负相关。此外,数据为假设的公众自我意识在社会补偿性交往中的调节作用提供了支持:自尊与Facebook朋友数量之间的负相关性仅对公众自我意识高的Facebook用户有意义,而对那些公众意识不足的人。讨论了根据社会补偿动机来理解社交网站用户的交往行为的含义。



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